The Importance of Bananas for Fitness


What can you eat to keep your body in peak shape? Many people turn to bananas when it comes to the answer to this question, and with good reason. Bananas are packed with nutrients that help your body perform at its best, making them perfect for any athlete or fitness enthusiast looking to speed up recovery time and stay healthy. Here’s why bananas are so important when it comes to fitness.


10 great benefits from bananas

1.       Bananas are high in potassium, which helps you perform at your best. 2. If you’re watching your weight, a medium banana has less than 100 calories but is loaded with fiber to keep you full and satisfied until your next meal. 3. They’re filled with antioxidants that can boost your immunity and protect against certain types of cancer; some research suggests they can help prevent cataracts and glaucoma as well. 4. The magnesium found in bananas can help calm muscle spasms caused by anxiety or stress, while vitamin B6 can help relieve stress-related depression symptoms—and both may also improve sleep quality in some people. 


Makes you stay full longer

Having a snack is beneficial to your workout, but it’s even more beneficial if you’re able to continue working out longer. Since bananas are rich in carbs and fiber, eating one before your next workout can help keep you full longer. Fiber slows down digestion, meaning bananas will keep you feeling full longer than if you had eaten something low-fiber like a piece of toast or an apple. Bananas also contain tryptophan, which has been shown to reduce stress and improve moods; helping you stay positive and motivated while working out.


Improves digestion

Unlike other fruits, bananas are rich in fiber and resistant starch. These help to make your digestive system more efficient, which means you’ll feel fuller on fewer calories and waste less food (and thus be more likely to lose weight). In fact, a study published in Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism found that participants who ate bananas lost more weight than those who followed a traditional calorie-restricted diet. Researchers speculate that these attributes may be due to bananas’ high level of pectin fiber. Eating high-fiber foods fills you up faster and prevents overeating.


Full of antioxidants

Bananas contain vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. They also provide fiber to keep your digestion on track and are rich in potassium, which keeps your blood pressure normal and protects against heart disease. Finally, bananas are an excellent source of carbohydrates, which can help fuel your brain and muscles during exercise sessions. To keep you fueled while you work out, eat a banana before you hit the gym or head outside for a jog—the fruit’s natural sugars will give you the energy to power through tough workouts.


Anti-inflammatory properties

Bananas are high in a type of amino acid called Tryptophan. This substance is converted into Serotonin and Melatonin, which produce feelings of relaxation, reduce stress, and induce sleep. The calming effect that bananas produce also makes them ideal to fight inflammatory conditions like arthritis or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In addition to inflammation-fighting nutrients, bananas have an excellent dose of Potassium. This mineral is crucial for regulating blood pressure and maintaining healthy levels in our cells. It’s a major factor in optimal heart health. Adding Potassium-rich foods to your diet can help lower blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular problems.


Fights high blood pressure

Potassium plays a major role in regulating your blood pressure. If you don’t get enough, your blood will build up too much pressure and may cause heart attacks or strokes. In addition to high-potassium foods like bananas, apples, avocados, and spinach (all recommended by Health), some supplements can help raise your potassium levels. You should still strive to get most of your nutrients from food first, but in some cases, it might be necessary to take a supplement. Work with your doctor to determine whether you need it—and how much is right for you.


Prevents diabetes

Having too much sugar in your blood is called hyperglycemia, which can lead to serious health issues. Bananas are a great way to regulate blood sugar because they contain soluble fiber, which slows down how quickly sugars hit your bloodstream. In turn, bananas can prevent spikes in insulin levels and other symptoms that come with having diabetes. Many diabetics rely on bananas as a way to help manage their disease without taking prescription medication. On top of that, bananas actually have some anti-diabetic properties.


Keeps you cool during a workout

Did you know that bananas are high in potassium? It’s one of three electrolytes, along with sodium and magnesium, that are necessary to maintain proper hydration levels. When our bodies lose too much water through sweat or a weakened state due to illness, our kidneys will pull water from places like our muscles and brain to keep us alive. In response, we may experience dizziness, fatigue, and headaches—all signs of low-level dehydration. Eating potassium-rich foods like bananas can help offset these symptoms as they replenish critical electrolytes (like sodium) lost during exercise.


Controls cholesterol levels

Doctors recommend including 3-4 servings of fruit per day in your diet. Bananas are one fruit that you should consider adding to your daily regimen. They’re rich in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6—all elements that help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The fiber content helps to promote a feeling of fullness, which makes it easier to resist unhealthy foods later on. In addition, bananas also contain tryptophan—an amino acid that aids with sleep quality. This is an important benefit for fitness enthusiasts because regular sleep patterns lead to greater energy levels during exercise sessions as well as longer life expectancy.


Prevents muscle cramps

Bananas are high in potassium, a mineral that helps balance electrolytes and fluids in your body. Potassium is especially important when it comes to muscle cramps because electrolytes are responsible for carrying electrical signals from nerves to muscles. If your electrolyte levels become too low, your muscles will cramp. A study published in The Journal of Sports Medicine found that consuming foods with higher levels of potassium (like bananas) could significantly reduce exercise-related muscle cramps. In fact, participants who ate bananas every day experienced a 43 percent reduction in post-exercise muscle pain and discomfort.


Replenishes energy stores

The sugar in bananas is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, meaning you have energy almost instantly. The high level of glucose (the simple sugar found in fruits) means that you can keep going without feeling tired or fatigued, even after eating a large portion. That’s good news when it comes to fitness because it allows you to work out harder and longer without having to worry about hitting the wall. In fact, researchers believe that runners who ate bananas before their races experienced less muscle damage and oxidative stress than those who didn’t consume a banana beforehand. Banana eaters may also burn more fat during exercise. When it comes time to refuel post-workout, choose bananas over more sugary snacks—your body will thank you later!

The Importance of Bananas for Fitness
The Importance of Bananas for Fitness

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