10 Ways to Increase Testosterone Naturally


Let’s face it – sometimes you want to be buff and muscular more than anything else in the world, but you don’t always have time to go to the gym or lift weights. Luckily, there are many other ways to naturally increase testosterone levels so that you can finally achieve that rock-hard physique. Here are 10 ways you can raise your testosterone levels by tomorrow morning.


1)      Limit Gluten

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten intolerance can cause several problems, including painful gas and bloating as well as chronic diarrhea and/or constipation. If you’re not sure whether or not you have celiac disease (gluten sensitivity), talk with your doctor. More importantly, you should avoid gluten anyway, since it’s been linked to all sorts of diseases—including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. To help control or even prevent these conditions, try cutting back on all wheat products (pasta, bread) for two weeks and then slowly reintroduce them into your diet to see how your body reacts.


2)      Eat Low GI Carbs

Recent research on weight loss has shown that eating low-glycemic index carbs (as opposed to high GI) can not only help keep your blood sugar levels steady, but it can actually reduce hunger and improve feelings of fullness. These qualities in turn lead to greater adherence to a healthy diet plan; as a result, you will lose weight more effectively and maintain weight loss for longer periods. In addition, low GI foods are also linked with improved performance during workouts and faster recovery times from exercise. So consider switching up your carb sources from high-GI foods like white bread and pasta to low-GI options like whole-grain bread and brown rice.


3)      Manage Stress

Scientists have found that high levels of stress may actually suppress testosterone levels. Of course, if you’re under stress and burn out frequently, your body will produce even less T. Here are some tips on how to manage stress: Make sleep a priority. Stress can wreck your circadian rhythm—essentially, it throws off your sleep schedule and makes you tired. Sleep deprivation has also been shown to decrease testosterone levels in both men and women. Try meditating for 20 minutes each day during your lunch break or in the morning before work. Research suggests meditation is a highly effective strategy for lowering high blood pressure (which can cause type 2 diabetes), so it’s a win-win strategy for reducing heart disease risk factors too!


4)      Exercise

In addition to being healthy in general, exercise can improve your sex life. Regular workouts increase blood flow to all areas of your body, including your genitals. As a result, you’re likely to feel more aroused and ready for sex. Most important of all, regular physical activity can help you sleep better and have more energy during sex—which will probably make you even more excited about getting it on. So hit that gym! You’ve heard it before—but exercise truly is key for a satisfying libido and overall health.


5)      Take Supplements

When it comes to maintaining low testosterone levels, supplements can play a critical role. They’re easy, relatively inexpensive, and highly effective in optimizing your testosterone levels. In addition to that, certain supplements have also been proven specifically useful for increasing testosterone (in some cases by as much as 136%). In fact, studies show that certain supplements can help you maintain healthy testosterone levels without even working out. For example, Vitamin D – has been shown in studies to increase total T by 461%! The bottom line is if you want optimal health and performance – pick up a few bottles of these 10 essential nutrients


6)      Get Enough Sleep

The research on sleep and testosterone is sparse, but what’s out there suggests that getting enough shut-eye improves your testosterone levels. One study measured men’s levels after a night of sound sleep and again after a night of sleep deprivation. The result: The amount of testosterone went down in those who weren’t well-rested. Furthermore, another study showed that both sleep deprivation and mild starvation caused a drop in T-levels. (4) Watch out for these other surprising ways lack of sleep can mess with your body.


7)      Check your hormone levels

Most men experience a natural decline in testosterone levels as they age, usually starting in their late 30s and early 40s. This gradual but constant decrease may lead to symptoms such as decreased energy, reduced muscle mass, less stamina, and a lower sex drive. Before you rush out for testosterone-boosting products that are likely ineffective, talk with your doctor. It’s possible that you can keep your testosterone levels normal by making lifestyle changes—eating right and exercising regularly—and by staying away from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Consult your physician about what’s right for you.


8)      Stay Away from Phytoestrogens

Soy and flaxseed oil, as well as some other foods, contain phytoestrogens. These plant-based chemicals are similar to female sex hormones in our bodies, so they trick our bodies into thinking we’re more pregnant than we actually are. This can lead to fatigue, a loss of libido, and fertility issues. To increase testosterone levels naturally, stay away from soy and flax products.


9)      Avoid Xenoestrogens

These environmental contaminants are all around us, so it’s hard to avoid them completely. That said, you should limit your exposure as much as possible. Some of these endocrine disruptors are found in common household products like pesticides and plastic containers, but others can be acquired through medical treatments (such as hormone replacement therapy) or medication (e.g., oral birth control). As always, check with your doctor if you have any concerns about testosterone-related health issues before making changes to your lifestyle or diet.


10   Meditate

The effects of meditation on testosterone levels are unclear, according to a 2014 review published in Frontiers in Psychology. However, another study published in Biological Psychology in 2011 found that participants who underwent an eight-week meditation program experienced changes in their testosterone levels. The changes (normalized for age) were small, but included increases in 20-hydroxyyuprostatdienone—which is a byproduct of testosterone—and decreases in cortisol, which helps regulate levels of stress and inflammation throughout your body. Meditation isn’t right for everyone and it has some drawbacks: It can take time each day to sit and focus on clearing your mind and controlling your thoughts.

10 Ways to Increase Testosterone Naturally
10 Ways to Increase Testosterone Naturally

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