5 Amazing Benefits of Garlic


Garlic, the spice that can help ward off vampires and heart disease alike, has been around since prehistoric times. Its pungent flavor has become an integral part of many cultures’ cuisines, but there are plenty of other reasons to add it to your diet as well. Here are five amazing benefits of garlic for health. (Text)


Garlic Cures Cancer

Fresh garlic has a high concentration of sulfur, making it a great immune booster. And while it doesn’t cure cancer like some people claim, studies show that using garlic regularly can lower your risk of getting different types of cancer. Studies have shown benefits in head and neck cancers, colon cancer, skin cancer, and breast cancer. Studies also show that garlic can work as an effective antifungal agent against candidiasis (yeast infections). According to WebMD, garlic can slow or stop the growth and kill some bacteria—including antibiotic-resistant strains—and viruses.


Garlic Helps Ease Depression

Studies have shown that garlic can fight depression. According to a 2012 study in Phytotherapy Research, taking aged garlic extract daily for 12 weeks helped reduce symptoms of depression among individuals who were previously unresponsive to antidepressants. Researchers suggest that aged garlic extract works by inhibiting MAO-A, an enzyme responsible for breaking down dopamine and norepinephrine. Without enough MAO-A activity, there’s more dopamine and norepinephrine left in circulation, which helps boost mood.


Garlic Can Prevent Heart Disease

With all its touted health benefits, it’s no surprise that garlic has been used to treat and prevent heart disease. A 2005 study done by researchers at Tufts University found that when given raw garlic daily for eight weeks, lab rats showed a significant decrease in both cholesterol and triglycerides, with an increase in HDL (the good) cholesterol. This could potentially be explained by a compound found in garlic called diallyl sulfide. In addition to fighting heart disease, garlic also helps lower blood pressure because it contains antioxidants—namely flavonoids and selenium—which reduce inflammation in blood vessels and enhance blood flow.


Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Aged garlic extract—the purest type of allicin-containing garlic—has been shown to inhibit histamine release, reduce neutrophil degranulation, and generation of proinflammatory cytokines. These properties help quell inflammation throughout your body, including in your mouth, intestines, and even joints. Research suggests that aged garlic extract can help ease symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease, as well as alleviate cold and flu symptoms. Interestingly enough, aged garlic extract has also been shown to have an anti-cancer effect on breast cancer cells, including reducing their ability to spread to other tissues.


Antioxidant Properties

You may have seen garlic as a home remedy for preventing colds or as an ingredient in foods designed to prevent cancer. The fact is, garlic is one of nature’s top sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants help clean up free radicals and reduce inflammation, which means garlic can actually help your body combat diseases associated with aging. For maximum effect, try incorporating 2-3 cloves into your next meal. If you can’t stand raw garlic, consider taking a supplement instead (at least 200 milligrams daily). Be sure to use fresh garlic if possible—while dried or powdered forms are still good sources of antioxidants, they simply don’t pack quite as much punch.

5 Amazing Benefits of Garlic
5 Amazing Benefits of Garlic

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