How to grow muscles at gym with these 5 exercises


As any gym-goer will tell you, building muscle requires the right combination of protein, carbs, and fat to fuel your training—it’s not enough to just hit the weights hard and hope for the best. You also need to know how to grow muscles at gym by choosing your exercises carefully, or you might as well be working out on auto-pilot! In this article, we’ll share with you the five most effective exercises that will help you grow muscle in your chest and shoulders while toning your core and upper back.


1)      What Are the Most Important Muscle Groups

There are three basic kinds of muscle tissues in your body: white, red and cardiac. White muscle tissue is what most people think of when they picture muscles — it’s for moving things around, like when you do squats, pushups or crunches. Red muscle tissue does much more than move things around; it also helps your body maintain its balance and posture. Cardiac muscle tissue helps control your heart rate and blood pressure, keeping them in a safe range.


2)      Bodyweight Exercises for Each Group

Push-ups and Pull-ups: These are two of your best bets for building upper body strength. Starting off in a plank position on an incline, do as many push-ups as you can before resting. Make sure to keep your back flat, stomach tight and don’t let your shoulders shrug forward or dip below 90 degrees. Next, move into a pull-up station and do 3 sets of 8 pull ups. As you get stronger, work on lowering your rest time between sets (if possible).


3)      Dumbbell Exercises for Each Group

Chest, Triceps, Back, Biceps and Abs. To build muscle mass using dumbbells you have to focus on increasing your weight by a very small amount. The key is progressive overload; lift more than you did last time. This training approach will give you large increases in muscle size and strength, but it only works if you’re lifting weights that are heavy enough for you (otherwise your body won’t be forced to respond by adding muscle). Otherwise, your body will adapt by getting stronger but staying small. To increase your strength requires effort and increased volume.


4)  Machine Exercise for Each Group

Chest – On a pec deck machine, use it just like you would do an incline bench press on a barbell. Grab a handle that’s set above your sternum (mid chest) and lower it until your upper arms are perpendicular to your torso. Keeping your torso in place, push back up. If you don’t have access to a pec deck machine, you can do flat or incline dumbbell presses instead. Just make sure that you lean back enough so that there’s no stress on your shoulders. Don’t go very heavy—this is about doing volume.


5)      Pullup and Chinup Exercises for Each Group

Chest, Triceps and Biceps: If you are a beginner, I would recommend doing one of each of these first thing in your training session. Make sure you do enough warmup sets so that when you get to your first working set, it is challenging but not impossible. Work until failure on each set. Each set consists of both a pull-up (chest) and chin-up (biceps) exercise.

How to grow muscles at gym with these 5 exercises
How to grow muscles at the gym with these 5 exercises

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