5 Reasons to Avoid Smoking


The most compelling reason to kick the habit is that smokers die younger. The dangers of smoking don’t just come from the smoke itself, but also because tobacco users tend to engage in more risky behaviors that can cause death. If you’re still not convinced about kicking your cigarette habit for good, here are five reasons why you should quit smoking now—before it’s too late.


1)      It’s expensive

The average monthly price of cigarettes in New York City is $11.32. Over a year, that adds up to a whopping $1,384 per year for just one person. Put another way, if you spent that much on books or food or clothing, you’d be pretty upset. But you probably don’t realize exactly how much your smoking habit costs because it is easy to justify spending so much on something as temporary as a cigarette—especially when you consider all of those ads featuring beautiful models in sexy poses and expensive designer labels. The truth is there are plenty of other reasons why quitting smoking can benefit your health. Here are five of them


2)      There are lots of healthier alternatives

Many people make a conscious decision to take up smoking because they think it’s cool or interesting, but by now you know that it’s only hurting your health. If you’re reading this and don’t smoke congratulations! If you’re one of those who is looking for reasons to quit, then consider these: Tobacco doesn’t contain any nutritional value; in fact, smoking cigarettes reduces your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. Not smoking will give your teeth a chance to repair and strengthen themselves against damage caused by tobacco products. By quitting smoking today, you’ll notice improved circulation all over your body. This means better oxygen distribution throughout your organs (lungs included) which means higher energy levels overall.


3)      The smell on you will be gone

When you smoke, your hair and clothes absorb that awful odor. But when you quit, it will go away and you won’t stink anymore. You’ll be able to breathe easier: If you are struggling with asthma or another lung disease, your breathing might improve once you stop smoking. Your blood pressure will decrease: Cigarette smoking causes high blood pressure because of nicotine—it constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow through arteries. When you quit, your blood pressure will return to normal (or close to it). The risk of heart attack decreases: Smokers have a greater chance of having a heart attack in comparison with non-smokers; quitting will reduce your chances by half!


4)      Your clothes will smell better

There’s nothing like that brand new coat or sweater, with that scent of fresh fabric softener. But once you smoke in them, your clothes will always carry that lingering smell—even after a wash and dry cycle. Your breath will be fresher: When you quit smoking for good, it doesn’t take long for your mouth to recover from tobacco stains. With regular brushing and flossing, you can remove any residual buildup from cigarettes, food particles, and even plaque buildup on your teeth. You’ll save money: This one is pretty obvious; cigarettes are expensive and they add up quickly when you’re buying them regularly. Over time, quitting will have saved you thousands (if not more) in comparison to continuing on as a smoker.


5)      Healthier sex life with your partner

If you or your partner smokes, it can make kissing, touching, and even sex uncomfortable. There is no proven safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke (at least not one that’s safe for everyone), so it’s best to avoid smoking in bed with your partner. Men who smoke are more likely than non-smokers to have impotence problems, while women smokers are less likely than non-smokers to have orgasms during sex. Finally, people who smoke tend to be heavier than those who don’t—and heftier people often report less frequent and less satisfying sex as a result.

5 Reasons to Quit Smoking Now
5 Reasons to Quit Smoking Now

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